Ventajas para los Asociados
10.11.2010 > ISBSG
The new Practical Software Project Estimation book is designed to help you with the every day challenge of estimating software projects. Whether you are looking for a quick indicative estimate for a feasibility report, a detailed estimate for a quotation or capital expenditure request, or a way to standardise and formalise your quoting, this book will prove to be invaluable.
Based on data collected by the ISBSG, Practical Software Project Estimation explains how to accurately forecast the size, cost, and schedule of software projects. Get expert advice on generating accurate estimates, minimizing risks, and planning and managing projects. Valuable appendices provide estimation equations, delivery rate tables, and the ISBSG Repository demographics. The ISBSG Repository now contains data from more than 5,400 completed projects from around the world.
- Verify project objectives and requirements.
- Determine, validate, and refine software functional size.
- Produce indicative estimates using regression equations.
- Predict effect and duration through comparison and analogy.
- Build estimation frameworks.
- Perform benchmarks using the ISBSG Repository.
- Compare IFPUG, COSMIC, and FiSMA sizing methods.
This book has been developed for those professionals who face the day to day challenge of coming up with accurate estimates for effort and duration of software projects. Readers are not expected to be knowledgeable of, or proficient in use of functional size measurement. For those who are interested, there are chapters that provide simple explanations and examples of how to measure project size using functional size measures.
Jim Johnson, Chairman of The Standish Group, has this to say: "*We often joke there are two types of estimates, lucky and lousy. Fortunately, this book, Practical Software Project Estimation, can help you and your organization improve your software estimates and thereby improve your project delivery. Having this great source of project cost data provides additional luck, and using this resource can make your estimates less lousy.
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30.10.2010 > GESEIN - Formación
GESEIN, ofrece a sus clientes los siguientes cursos específicos sobre Calidad del Software.
Formación oficial del Software Engineering Institute (SEI):
- 15, 16, 17 Nov. Introducción a CMMI for Development v.1.2. <>
- 16, 17, 18 Nov. Introducción a CMMI for Services v.1.2. <>
- 19 Nov. Services Supplement for Introduction to CMMI v1.2. <>
Seminarios prácticos (8h.):
- 16 Nov. Validación y Verificación en CMMI. <>
- 17 Nov. Ingeniería de Requisitos en CMMI. <>
- 18 Nov. Caminando hacia Alta Madurez. <>
- 19 Nov. Métodos Ágiles, Scrum y CMMI. <>
Puede consultar el detalle de estos cursos, y formalizar la inscripción visitando <>
Estos cursos se organizan en colaboración con Caelum (SEI Partner) , en el marco del colectivo del Plan Avanza 2010 y de la VI Semana del CMMI 2010.
06.10.2010 > QUANTIMETRICS - Formación
La empresa QUANTIMETRICS, miembro de AEMES, ofrece a los asociados un 10% de descuento en sus seminarios de formación. Puede encontrar más información en el siguiente enlace: Seminarios QUANTIMETRICS
17.09.2010 > OPTIMYTH - Seminario Capers Jones: "Calidad y Productividad Software"
Optimyth Software y Proqua desean invitarle al evento: 'Incrementar la Productividad y la Calidad en el Desarrollo del Software', el próximo 19 de octubre.
Los ponentes invitados son:
- Dr. Capers Jones, fundador y Director Científico emérito de Software Productivity Research LLC
- D. Ricardo Morado, CIO de Caja Madrid
- D. Luis Rodríguez, Director I+D+i de Optimyth Software
- D. José Mª Sancho Thomas, CEO ProQua
Acompañará a estos ponentes, como moderador de la mesa redonda, D. José Sancho García, CEO de Investing PROFit Wisely.
Para más información visite: